FDCs Stamped Envelopes 1925-2001 ~ Scott U429 to U646
On this page you will find 184 First Day Covers of Stamped Envelopes, 1925 to 2001, Scott U429 to U646. Many are very scarce and there are also unusual combos and seldom seen cachets.
Please order by Scott number and cachet. Prices are cheap! They're way under dealer and auction prices. All covers will be sent by first class or Priority Mail. You, the buyer, pay only the exact postage plus 50c per order for packaging and handling.
To make sure you get what you want, e-mail me at SwapMeetDave@aol.com and I'll set aside the items you want and ship them upon receipt of your check or money order. I also accept Pay Pal (pay to my account: SwapMeetDave@aol.com). Send your order with payment to David Ahl, 12 Indian Head Road, Morristown, NJ 07960. Thank you!
Click on any image to see the cover full size. Order by Scott number (U597, U619, etc.) and cachet.
Ask about quantity discount on 10 or more covers!
 U436f. 3¢, purple Washington, die 9, size 5 env. $18.00 |
 U436f. 3¢, die 9, size 5 env., unaddr, CDS cancel $25.00 |
 U437a. 3¢, purple Washington, die 1, size 5 amber env. $26.00 |
 U439a. 3¢, die 1, size 5 blue env., serviced by Rice. $36.00 |
 U439a. 3¢, die 1, size 13 blue env., add-on FDOI label. $40.00 |
 U481. 1½¢ brown, die 1, size 5 env., rarely seen w/o combo stamps. $45.00 |
 U515. 1½¢ on 1¢ (U420), with Sc 585 (same first day), unaddr. $60.00 |
 U521. 1½¢ on 1¢ (U420), with Sc 551, serviced by Nickles. $40.00 |
 U522. 2¢, die 1, #5 env, Sesquicentennial, typed addr, DC cancel. $22.00 |
 U522. 2¢ die 1, typed addr, Phila dual cancel, "First Day of Issue" typed. $25.00 |
 U523. 1¢ Mt Vernon, olive, Typed addr. $12.00 |
 U524. 1½¢ Mt Vernon, chocolate, unaddr. $17.00 |
 U525. 2¢ die 1, Mt Vernon, carmine, unaddr. $15.00 |
 U526. 3¢, violet, #5 env, rubber stamps by J.H. Jenkins. $35.00 |
 U528. 5¢, dark blue, #5 env, unaddr. $20.00 |
 U529. 6¢ orange, #8 env cut to 6-5/8", Washington label, Robert Lamm. $65.00 |
 U532. die 1, 1¢ Franklin, green, unaddr, Artcraft. $8.00 |
 U533. die 2, 2¢ Washington, carmine, unaddr, Artcraft. SOLD |
 U534. die 1, 3¢ Washington, purple, unaddr, Artcraft. $8.00 |
 U536. die 3, 2¢ Washington, red violet, unaddr, Artcraft. $6.50 |
 U536. 2¢ red violet, w/FDC Sc 2145, unaddr, Artcraft. $8.50 |
 U541. 1¼¢ Franklin, turquoise, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U542. 2½¢ Washington, dull blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U543. 4¢ Pony Express, brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U544. 5¢ Lincoln, dark blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U546. 5¢ World's Fair, maroon, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U546. 5¢ World's Fair, photo cachet, unaddr. $7.50 |
 U547. 1¼¢ Liberty Bell, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same addr 50¢ |
 U548. 1.4¢ Liberty Bell, brown, unaddr, Fleetwood. $2.00 |
 U548. 1.4¢ Liberty Bell, brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U548A. 1.6¢ Liberty Bell, orange, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U549. 4¢ Constitution, bright blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same addressed 50¢ |
 U550. 5¢ Eagle, purple, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same addressed 50¢ |
 U550a. 5¢ tagged, unaddr, Leon Alpert. $12.00 |
 U550a. 5¢ tagged, unaddr, Unknown. Rarely seen. $16.00 |
 U551. 6¢ Liberty, Lt green, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U552. 4¢ + 2¢ bright blue, unaddr, Leon Alpert. $6.50 |
 U553a. 5¢ + 1¢ tagged, unaddr, Leon Alpert. $12.00 |
 U554. 6¢ Moby Dick, blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same addr 50¢ |
 U554. 6¢ Moby Dick, blue, unaddr, Panda. SOLD |
 U555. 6¢ Youth Conf, lt blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U556. 1.7¢ Eagle, lilac, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U557. 8¢ Eagle, ultramarine, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U561. 6¢ + (2¢) Liberty, lt green, unaddr, Artcraft. $2.75 |
 U562. 6¢ + (2¢) Youith Conf, lt blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $2.75 |
 U563. 8¢ Bowling, rose red, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same no cachet 75¢ |
 U564. 8¢ Aging Conf, lt blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U565. 8¢ Transpo 72, ultramarine & red, unaddr, Artcraft. 1.75 |
 U565. 8¢ Transpo 72, ultramarine & red, unaddr, Dept of Transportation. 6.00 |
 U565. 8¢ Transpo 72, combo with 10 transportation coils, unaddr, Ahl. 5.00 |
 U566. 8¢ + 2¢ Eagle, blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U566. 8¢ + 2¢ Phil Expo cancel, unaddr, AFDCS-1. $3.00 |
 U566. 8¢ + 2¢ Smithsonian, unaddr, AFDCS-2. $3.00 |
 U567. 10¢ Liberty Bell, emerald, unaddr, Artcraft. 1.75 |
 U568. 1.8¢ Volunteer, blue-green, unaddr, Artcraft. 1.75 |
 U569. 10¢ Tennis, multi-color, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U571. 10¢ Seafaring, blue & brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U572. 10¢ Home- maker, blue green & brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U573. 10¢ Farmer, green & brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U574. 10¢ Doctor, orange & brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U575. 10¢ Crafts- man, red & brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U576. 13¢ Liberty Tree, brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U577. 2¢ Star & Pinwheel, red, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U578. 2.1¢ Non- profit, yellow green, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U579. 2.7¢ Non- profit, green, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same no cachet 75¢ |
 U580. (15)¢ "A" Eagle, orange, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U581. 15¢ Uncle Sam, red, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 No cachet $1.00 |
 U582. 13¢ Centennial, emerald, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U583. 13¢ Golf, multi-color, unaddr, Artcraft. $8.00 |
 U584. 13¢ Energy, multi-color, unaddr, Artopages. $3.00 |
 U584. 13¢ Energy, multi-color, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U585. 13¢ Energy, multi-color, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U586. 15¢ on 16¢ USA, blue, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U588. 15¢ on 13¢ Tree, brown, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same no cachet $1.00 |
 U589. 3.1¢ Non- profit, ultramarine, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 U587. 15¢ Auto Racing, multi-color, unaddr, Artcraft. $2.00 |
15¢ Racing Car FDCs and More I have a large award-winning collection of auto racing FDCs, mostly Scott 2262 coil stamps and U587 envelopes, plus many foreign FDCs, racing event cancels, driver autographs, programs and related material. It's not listed yet. E-mail me if you're interested. |
 U591. 5.9¢ Non- profit, brown, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U592. (18¢) "B" Eagle, purple, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U593. 18¢ Star, dark blue, unaddr, Colorano. $2.00 |
 U594. (20¢) "C" Eagle, brown, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U595. 15¢ Veterinary, brown & gray, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same no cachet $1.50 |
 U596. 15¢ Olympics, multi-color, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.75 Same no cachet $1.50 |
 U597. 15¢ Bicycling, Blue & claret, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.50 |
 U597. Bicycle, by Stewart, Pugh 9 of 49. $35.00 |
 U598. 15¢ America's Cup, blue & red, unaddr, hand-colored Artcraft. $5.00 |
 U598. America's Cup, by Stewart, Pugh 6 of 50. $35.00 |
 U599. 15¢ Honeybee, multi-color, unaddr, Artcraft. $1.50 |
 U599. 15¢ Honeybee, multi-color, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U599. K.M.C. Venture (Satter) with Juliet Golf (Mikulka) add-on for Sc 2281 FDC. $5.50 |
 U600. 18¢ Blinded Veterans, blue & red, unaddr, Colorano. $2.00 |
 U601. 20¢ Capitol, deep magenta, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U602. 20¢ Great Seal, blue & red, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U603. 20¢ Purple Heart, purple & black, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U604. 5.2¢ Non- profit, orange, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U605. 20¢ Paralyzed Veterans, blue & red, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U606. Autographed by Malcolm Baldrige, Sec'y of Commerce w/photo, bio & article. $25.00 |
 U607. (22¢) "D" Eagle, green, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 Scott 2111, 2112, 2113a on U607, Gill Craft. $10.00 |
 U607. (22¢) "D" Eagle combo w/12 earlier eagles, Ahl. $8.00 |
 U607. (22¢) "D" Eagle, Pugh, 14 of 24. SOLD |
 U608. 22¢ Bison, dark brown, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 Same no cachet $1.50 |
 U608. Bison combo, Pugh, 5 of 6. SOLD |
 U608. 22¢ Bison, Karen's KN-Sp11. $12.00 |
 U609. 6¢ Constitution, green blue, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U609. 6¢ with 7 earlier sailing ships, Ahl. $5.00 |
 U609. 6¢ with 4 US & 2 Russian sailing ships, Ahl. $5.00 |
 U609. 6¢ with 1 US & Staffa Scotland block, Ahl. $5.00 |
 U610. 8.5¢ May- flower, black & gray, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U610. Mayflower combo, Pugh 19 of 79. SOLD |
 U611. 25¢ USA Stars, blue & red, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U611. USA Stars, Pugh, hand-colored, 19 of 182. $8.00 |
 U612. 8.4¢ Frigate Constellation, black & blue, unaddr, Farnum. SOLD |
 U612. 8.4¢ Frigate Constellation, Pugh, hand-colored, 19 of 199. SOLD |
 U619. 29¢ Star, rose & ultramarine, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U619. 29¢ Star, Pugh, hand-colored, 30 of 145. $8.00 |
 U619a. Star, Window env, Pugh, 30 of 149. $8.00 |
 U620. 11.1¢ Birds, red & blue, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U620. Birds, Pugh, hand-colored, 26 of 142. $8.00 |
 U620a. Window env, Pugh, 8 of 42. $15.00 (Rare on window env) |
 U621. 29¢ Love, maroon & rose, unaddr, Farnum. $2.00 |
 U621. 29¢ Love combo, Pugh, by hand, 9 of 23. SOLD |
 U621. 29¢ Love, combo with Sc 2535, 2536, 2537 issued same day. $2.50 |
 U624. Country Geese, Pugh, hand colored, 23 of 198. $15.00 |
 U646. 34¢ Eagle, dull blue & gray, Collins, hand colored. $15.00 |
Unused Postal Stationery I have a fair number of envelopes, postal cards, air envelopes, air cards, and official mail items at deep discount prices. E-mail me your want list. |
Large Envelopes (#8, #9, #10, jumbo) |
 U429. 2¢ Washington, unusual 7½" size, with Sc 555, serviced by Roessler. $50.00 |
 U527. 4¢ Mt. Vernon, #10, unaddressed, perfect for add-on. $18.00 |
 U530. 6¢ Washington, #10 yellow, removable address label. $32.00 |
 U531. 6¢ Washington, #10 blue, pen address. $24.00 |
 U553. 5¢ Eagle, #10, window, rarely seen, Leon Alpert cachet. $12.00 |
 U553a. 5¢ Eagle, #10, tagged, unaddressed, Leon Alpert. $18.00 |
 U611. 25¢ USA Stars, #10 double windows, Farnum. $5.00 |
 U611. 25¢ USA, #10 double windows, Pugh, by hand, 28 of 150. $9.00 |
 U614. 25¢ Philatelic Mail, #9, Pugh, hand colored, 27 of 149. $9.00 |
 U613. 25¢ Snowflake, greeting card size, Farnum. $5.00 |
 U613. 25¢ Triple FDC, UO cancel, Goldberg, by hand, 40 of 50. SOLD |
 U613. 25¢ Snowflake, Pugh, by hand, 109 of 146. SOLD |
 U615. 25¢ #9 Security Env., Pugh, hand colored, 80 of 129. $9.00 |
 U616. 25¢ Love, #9, unaddr, Artmaster. $3.00 |
 U616. 25¢ Love, #9, UO Loveville, Graebner Chapter AFDCS. $6.00 |
 U616. Pugh, AFDCS Convention design, hand color, 32 of 200. $5.00 |
 U616. Pugh, with 1/90 FDC of 2440, 2441, hand color, 29 of 81. $8.50 |
 U616. Pugh, with 5/91 FDC Sc 2535, 36, 37, by hand, 22 of 138. $7.50 |
 U616. KAH (Keith Harward), hand drawn and painted, only 1 set of 15 made. (click to see full set) |
 U616. KAH birds and animals, hand drawn and painted, 3 examples from set of 15. (click to see full set) |
 U616. KAH (click to see full set), Set of 15: $150.00; Any one $15.00 |
 U617. 25¢ Space Hologram, #9, Pugh's 1st airbrush, 29 of 149. $50 |
 U617. #9 env., K.M.C. Venture, USS Belknap photo and cancel. $5.00 |
 U617. 25¢ Space Hologram, #9, Uncovers hologram cachet. $12.00 |
 U617. 25¢ Space Hologram, #9, Artmaster. $3.00 |
 U617. 25¢ Space Hologram, #9, Farnum. $3.00 |
 U617. World Stamp Expo cancel, Farnum. $3.00 |
 U618. 25¢ Football Hologram, #10, Pugh hand colored, 10 of 153. $8.00 |
 U618. 25¢ Football, #10, Farnum. $4.00 |
 U618. 25¢ Football, #10, Uncovers hologram cachet. $12.00 |
 U619. 29¢ Star, #10, Pugh hand colored, 30 of 148. $6.00 |
 U619. 29¢ Star, #10 window, Pugh hand colored, 30 of 149. $6.00 |
 U621. 29¢ Love w/2535, 2537, Pugh, by hand, 10 of only 24. $10.00 |
 U622. 29¢ Magazines, #10, Pugh hand colored, 80 of 127. $7.00 |
 U623. 29¢ Star #9 Security Env., Pugh hand colored, 23 of 99. $7.00 |
 U623. 29¢ Star, #9 window, Pugh hand colored, 21 of 100. $7.00 |
 U635. (5¢) #10 Non-profit bulk rate, APS mailed on day of issue, 3/10/95, no cancel. $8.00 |
 Smart Stamp FDC from Nat'l Postal Museum, 3 autographs, w/letter of explanation, very few made. $20.00 |
Official Mail Envelopes (#8, #10, Passport, Savings Bond) |
 UO74. 22¢ Great Seal, #10, with FDC of O-139, unaddr, no cachet. $5.00 |
 UO75. 22¢ #9, Savings Bond env, Pugh, hand color, 14 of 100. $7.00 |
 UO76. "E" #9, Savings Bond env, Pugh, hand color, 14 of 92. $7.00 |
 UO76. "E" #9, Savings Bond env, Farnum engraved cachet. $3.00 |
 UO77. 25¢ #9, Savings Bond env, Farnum engraved cachet. $3.00 |
 UO77. 25¢ #9, Savings Bond env, Pugh, hand color, 18 of 200. $6.00 |
 UO77. 25¢ #10, US Postal Service env, Farnum engraved cachet. $3.00 |
 UO77. 25¢ #10 Postal Service env, Pugh, hand color, 20 of 150. $7.00 |
 UO78. 25¢ #9 Savings Bond env, Pugh cachet #88810, hand color, 27 of 100. $7.00 |
 UO79. 45¢ Passport env, Pugh, hand color, 31 of 185. $6.00 |
 UO80. 65¢ Passport env, Pugh, hand color, 31 of 183. $6.00 |
 UO81. 45¢ Passport env, Pugh, hand color, 32 of 118. $6.00 |
 UO82. 65¢ Passport env, Pugh, hand color, 32 of 125. $6.00 |
 UO83. "F" #9 Savings Bond env, Pugh, hand color, 29 of 150. $6.00 |
 UO85. 29¢ #9 Savings Bond env, Pugh, hand color, 19 of 125. $6.00 |
 UO84. 29¢ #10 env, Pugh, hand color, 26 of 125. $6.00 |
 UO84. 29¢ #10 window env, Pugh, hand color, 27 of 125. $6.00 |
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