After reading various Bibles for 30+ years, finally finding a version in which everything is in the correct chronological order really made it all come together for me. With an outstanding narration by F. LeGard Smith, this Bible helps you discover the Bible as the extraordinary epic it is. Spanning the events from the creation through the apocaplse, this Bible reads like a novel, weaving the Old and New Testaments into one continuous account of God’s interaction with man. All the prophets, major and minor, are where they belong and you can clearly see how Paul’s missionary journeys spread Christianity in the early years. It also has a comprehensive summary of the events between the Old and New Testaments. For those who want to read the entire Bible in one year, it is organized into 365 chronological readings. The narrative portion is shaded in gray and it has scores of cross references if you want to dig deeper.
Complete Harmony of the Scriptures. The laws of Moses occur in several books, but here they are brought together in one unified legal code arranged by subject. Wisdon literature, as in the book of Proverbs, is presented topically, and the Psalms are arranged according to their various sentiments. In the New Testament, the four Gospels are gathered into one harmonized account.
Dr. Lloyd John Oglivie said of this Bible, “Each passage of Scripture sparkles with new life and intensity. I recommend with enthusiasm this gripping presentation of the Word of God.”
Much as I wish I could continue to sell this Bible at the wholesale cost, I find I cannot compete with larger resellers. So if you want the Bible, I recommend you go to Christian Book Distributors and order it from them: CBD Chronological Bible.